Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Here's hoping you have a wonderful holiday season!  I'll be BACK in 2012!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Introducing, Avery Elizabeth!

 I just realized how long it has been since I have posted.  I admit I had to take a break from most things near the end of my pregnancy and these first few months of Avery's life.  Too hectic, too overwhelming, too much!  So, I am feeling like we are settling in to our new normal and like I want to get back to the blog and really talking about all the things that have been going on in my head and see if they go on in every other mom's head:)  For starters, I thought I would at least introduce you to our new addition.  She's already grown like a week. Be back soon!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Survival Mode


Snowed in

Survival mode...that's how we have made it through the past 10 days.  I didn't know what this was really before Sydney came along.  But now, it seems to creep up on me when the "going gets tough."  A week of no school due to snow and ice, stuck in the house for 3-4 of those days, everyone in the house sick and me, 8.5 months pregnant.  We made it through last week and back to what I consider normalcy today, but wow, at a few points we were holding it together by a mere strand.  With tears, tantrums, screaming, sleepless nights, slamming doors, most of the snow and an ant infestation behind us.  I look forward to a few days of sanity, maybe we'll even make it through the month!  Hope your January has started off in more than survival mode:)