Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Survival Mode


Snowed in

Survival mode...that's how we have made it through the past 10 days.  I didn't know what this was really before Sydney came along.  But now, it seems to creep up on me when the "going gets tough."  A week of no school due to snow and ice, stuck in the house for 3-4 of those days, everyone in the house sick and me, 8.5 months pregnant.  We made it through last week and back to what I consider normalcy today, but wow, at a few points we were holding it together by a mere strand.  With tears, tantrums, screaming, sleepless nights, slamming doors, most of the snow and an ant infestation behind us.  I look forward to a few days of sanity, maybe we'll even make it through the month!  Hope your January has started off in more than survival mode:)