I've written 1 million posts in my head during the past two years. But I finally logged in and realized that it actually has been two years since I posted here. How can that be? The pictures of Sydney and Avery look like yesterday. But instead I look at their pictures today and I see the years that have gone by. My 40th year. Just how did that happen? I'm not sure but I've decided I want to take stock. I want to take stock and enjoy what I have. I'm inspired by Hands Free Mama Rachel Stafford. Jason actually turned me on to her. She's a blogger and author. She talks about how we have to take stock, how we have to stop living our highly distracted lives and enjoy the moments we have with the most important things in our life...our people. The people we love, the people we have connections with. It's her words that resonate with me and make me know I have to find a way to do that. I'm not sure how to do that but I am going to commit to coming back here and showing up. Not sure how often, I'm not sure what I'll say, but I do feel like by writing and sharing I'm able to make myself a better person and truly take stock in what I have. So, see you soon!
The tactics trap
6 hours ago