So, for six months or more I been talking about this blog. Many of you have heard me talk about. Well, it has finally come to be. One of those things where I just finally said enough already, sit down and do it.
The purpose: share thoughts, ideas, issues and everyday craziness with other moms who often battle with the terrible "g" word -- guilt. I know, I know, everyone has it at some point. But, I have spoken to so many of my friends and whether you work at home, work outside the home, or are a stay-at-home mom, there is still the issue of getting through the day with your kids in one piece, your head still on straight and limited guilt about it all. I say limited because let's be real, there will never be "no" guilt as a mom. For some reason, it is hard-wired in us. But, what I have found is that my fellow moms and friends know how to get me through the day with tips, pick me ups, a kind word, or "if you think that's bad, listen to what my child did." I'm telling you, it helps.
For the sake of space, I will stop here, but there is more to come. Most of all, I want this to be a place of sharing, inspiration and helpfulness. So, for now, I am asking you all, my friends, to post what you think...questions, issues, how you get through the day. Just maybe someone else in this group has been there. Also, feel free to send on to your mom friends. Together, I know we can beat the guilt and have a few laughs along the way.
Lastly, I have to say that one of the first times this blog came to mind was one day when my daughter was in time out in the car (not running of course) and I ran and threw a load of laundry in the dryer (it's in the garage). In that moment, I had to stop and laugh and say to myself, "wow, that was the best multitasking ever!" And of course, then the guilt of leaving my child in the car set in:)
Looking forward to a great time!
The tactics trap
5 hours ago