Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No Motivation Station

I am so not motivated today.  You know really, it feels like months of no motivation. But when you are a mom there are very few times when you can actually have "down" time. I guess that's why we have to make it for ourselves. Move ourselves up on the list. How do you do that? I struggle with that a lot. How to do all the things that need to be done, that I want to be done and take the time for yourself. It's interesting, I'm part of this mommy blogger community called http://www.twittermoms.com/ and they are hosting a contest about the little things you do for yourself that keep you happy and healthy. I realized I don't have enough of those, ok, I couldn't come up with anyJ Now, I guess I do workout for myself but let's be real, who REALLY wants to do that?! Take a few minutes in the morning…um, yeah, we are lucky to get out the door in the morning without someone crying. Before bed, I can barely keep my eyes open right now, let alone at 10 p.m. So how do you make the time? Would love to know how you do it.

On the interesting side of things, we might have had the worst day ever with Sydney yesterday. I hate that this becomes my bitching blog, but I gotta tell you, 3 year olds can scream way louder than I thought and hit pretty hard, too. Yeah, total tantrums. Not sure if the 1-2-3-Magic is working or if Jason and I have just lost all of our patience. Could be both. My dad told me to Google "behavior modification" and while that is great and I found wonderful information, when I am I supposed to read that and come up with all these new things? Oh, well, we did start a new sticker system and we'll see how that goes.

No one ever said there would be days like these…

More to come soon.

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