The most exciting part is that this year, we will be honoring Tim McGraw at our annual fundraiser and awards dinner! On Saturday, October 2, at the Ritz Carlton, Atlanta, MSV will be honoring Tim with the True Ally Award for his work in raising money for and being involved in stopping violence. He has even stopped his concerts to have men escorted out who were mistreating the women they were with. Now that's my kind of guy. And, Faith is confirmed to be there, too (yeah!).
Please consider joining us that evening for a rare and important opportunity to stop violence. I know that tickets are expensive ($225 per ticket purchase tickets here), so if you only want to or can give a small donation to the organization you can go to my fundraising page at http://www.firstgiving.com/shellyspoeth. I'm hoping to raise $2,000 by the dinner. Every dollar counts and is so much appreciated!
We hear about it everyday (again with Mel on the Today show), but now we need to do something. I do this because I have a daughter who I hope will never experience violence against her or anyone she knows. I plan to teach her what respect is, for herself and others. But above all, I hope she may live in a world without violence against women one day. That is my hope.
Thank you.
See more info here:
CMT Story
CMT Story
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