Ever wish you could just not work. I mean you know those days where you just want to rest. No more kids at home with you, deadlines to meet or other "stuff" to get done. Wow, I so know those days. Yet, there is always that need and want in the back of my head to be contributing, to be adding value and brillance in some way. I guess that's why I will always still work. It gives me an outlet, a place to have my own space and really I do love what I do. I get to work on the coolest things, with the most interesting and amazing people and well, I guess, I'm just lucky. Even on the days when you wish you didn't have to work, hang in there, it really is all worth it. Plus, I guess there is that little thing called money that helps us have all the things we need and think we need. Cheers to all working moms everywhere!