And of course, nothing goes right. At the end, they end up with a great picture anyway (I won’t ruin it for anyone who didn’t watch it yet), but what caught me was what she tells her daughter when the oldest teenager asks why it is so important to get this family picture. Claire says “When you’re a mom everything goes by so fast…I just want to freeze this moment as it is right now.”
That totally struck a chord for me. She is so right! Even when you think being a parent is so hard, it goes by so fast. That truly hit home recently when we attended my oldest nephew's high school graduation and 18th birthday party. I can’t believe that little boy that I remember holding at six weeks old in Seattle is all grown up. And just think about my brother and sister-in-law…it was like the blink of an eye for them. Austin, my nephew, is handsome, smart, musically-gifted and overall, a great kid. He is going to do amazing things and affect many amazing people, I just know it.
So on the hard days, just remember how fast it goes by and give your kid(s) a big hug, because before you know it, they will be 18 and all grown up.