Monday, June 28, 2010

Take Your Time

So as we head into July 4, I remember that two years ago, I had a much different experience in Hilton Head with my family (we go every year for July 4 with my parents and brother and his fam). One in which I learned many lessons.

As I started writing this, I stumbled upon notes I wrote around that time. It must have been “one of those days” when I just needed a reminder of how lucky I am.

Most of you know, I fell and broke my leg while on vacation in Florida two years and one month ago (I'm not counting or anything). After immediate surgery that placed 12 screws, one plate and a pin in my right ankle, I was figuratively back on my feet. It took a LONG time to truly get literally back on my feet and during that time, I learned a lot about myself – physically and mentally. Sydney was only 18 months old then and it was horrible. She was scared of my crutches, the wheelchair and me. It made me so sad, but also so thankful! Why, because I realized how lucky I am and how much I have to lose.

The biggest lesson…take my time. Why? Because when I fell I was rushing, not holding on to anything, going too fast. And honestly, most times I hurt myself that is exactly what is going on. So, when I feel that overwhelmed feeling come over me and I start rushing to get out the door or finish something right away, I think, “take your time, remember the hard lesson and slow down.”

While summer is fun and crazy, I hope you will take your time, too. Because I have found that taking my time has also allowed me to participate more in my life, to spend time with Sydney, to have more fun! What about you?

Today, it feels really good to reflect on what I learned:
• You can (and need to) ask for help
• Remember the pain, so when you are well, you are thankful
• Be thankful for the ability to: walk up stairs, not use crutches to get to the bathroom in the middle of the night, carry my child, cook, go for a walk, ride a bike, go to the playground, drive a car by yourself
• Appreciate those who love you unconditionally, like my husband, mother, MIL, friends who take you places because you can’t, sisters and brothers
• Some things just aren't that important -- know which ones are

What has helped you learn a hard lesson? I would love to hear it! Happy 4th!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Motorcycles, Golf and BBQ, What Else Could a Dad Want?

Fathers make a huge difference in our lives.  And while they may not always be perfect, they are important and teach us so many wonderful things.  That's why I am so lucky to still have my dad give Sydney the chance to have him in her life.  I also think Jason and Sydney have a special bond like no other. 

We couldn't have had a better day breakfast, park, pool, nap, US Open watching for Jason and Fox Bro. BBQ with our favorite waitress, Charlie, to top it off.

If you didn't yesterday, we sure today you tell your dad "thank you." And if he isn't with you anymore, be sure to thank another dad in his honor, he would have liked that.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Digging, digging, digging

As you know from my last week’s post, I was in San Francisco for a conference and while there lucky enough to see my other “soul mate,” Anna. We say that because we often think very philosophically together. 

While walking along the beach, which was the first place we went after food (because that is always the most important), we saw what I thought was the funniest thing…a dog digging this huge hole in the sand. Its owner stood by patiently, barely even paying attention, but every time another dog came up, that dog stopped, glared and basically said, “my hole, back off.”

It was so funny and for some reason SO liberating. The fact that this was all the dog wanted to do -- dig a hole -- made me feel the daily weight of the world melt away and I couldn’t do anything but laugh in amazement. Of course, Anna’s dog, Maggie, tried to get in on the action, but to no avail. So, later I captured her just staring at the ocean.  Again, how often do we get to just stare at the ocean? 
It was a fabulous mommy-day-off to catch my breath, take a deep, salty breath of the ocean and remember sometimes it’s just as simple as digging your own hole...or in people terms, just doing what you love!

P.S. At my conference, I also met Seattle Mama Doc, a very cool pediatrician who is a mom and blogs for Seattle Children's Hospital.  I have added her blog to my list or you can click above, but check her out.  Good stuff!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

(Above, pics of the CA coast)

For the first time, Jason and I both had to be gone for work during the same time (we've both been gone before at the same time, but this was a crisscross of different days over the course of a week). So my awesome sister-in-law and nephews came to stay with Sydney during the day and a half when we were both gone. J was in Alabama for work and I flew to San Fran for a conference (and see Anna while I was here). While it has been amazing to walk on the beach, sleep 12 hours and even get a little shopping in before the long conference days, I do miss my hubby and child. Yesterday, in fact, when I called to say hello, Sydney wouldn’t talk to me on the phone. Talk about breaking a mother’s heart. I tried to act like it didn’t bother me, but I knew she was with her family and excited (and probably a little mad at me for leaving her). We had just had four days by ourselves and then poof, mommy was gone.

Then, today she told me she loved me over the phone and blew me a kiss and all was right in the world. Crazy how on Saturday night after four days by myself I couldn’t wait for her to get in bed so I could have some alone time and now she could nearly bring me to tears by simply not saying hi over the phone. And you know what, I know it is only going to get worse. I truly dread the teen years. In fact, I hope we are all here still talking to each other on this blog because I am going to need all the help I can get dealing with a teenage daughter. And many of you out there have done it, will be doing it and have great advice, so start writing it down!

In fact, this situation reminds me of a scene in Sex in the City 2 (I really liked it and recommend it!). Miranda and Charlotte have a similar discussion about being moms and needing to take breaks sometimes. One of the best scenes in the movie (Ok, along with the clothes and locations they visit).

We, as women and mothers, have to remind each other that it’s okay to take a break, get away, whatever you want to call it, in order to be better moms, wives and people.
Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder (and takes away some of the edge of crying, whining children, overworked spouses, house chores, work to dos, and on and on…). So, my recommendation...get away every now and then!

Sydney enjoying a cupcake while I'm away.