Still Crazy, but We Made it
So after my last post, I would hope that I have gotten some holiday cheer! Well, we made it through last week, which was huge. Less than one more week until the big day and I think we are close to having it all together. We even got a visit to Santa in at a "Breakfast with Santa" event (no fighting it at the malls for us, my husband might really lose it if we had to do that). Here are some of our pics from holiday preps (and me getting big). But, let's not pretend it hasn't been hard and that there weren't days I thought "screw Christmas" (and plenty of tears have been shed). When you have kids and they really believe, it's hard not to go with it, take a deep breath and deal. And let me tell ya we are really working the Elf on the Shelf to try to help with some of the 4-year-old outbursts were having! How are you coping with it all? I'm not sure how working parents really get it all done!
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